Engaging the Culture

Browse articles offering practical, biblical guidance for pastors. From spiritual leadership to personal well-being, our prayer is that you’ll find both encouragement and the tools you need to thrive in your ministry journey.
a dad carries his pastor's kid with a kite on his shoulders as they walk through a meadow at golden hour
7 Reasons I'm Thankful for My Pastor Dad
Barnabas Piper
a pastor sits on the shore overlooking the ocean
Lies that Hurt You and Your Ministry
Caroline Newheiser
an elderly woman bows her head to pray in the church pews with fellow elderly congregants doing the same in the background
Loving and Caring for the Elderly in Your Congregation
Michael McKinley
Defending Religious Liberties in America’s Schools
Focus on the Family Contributor
A homeschooling mom works with her young son on a lesson. It's back-to-school time. Or, in our case, it's back-to-homeschool. There's much to do, and it's good to remember why we do it all—for God's glory.
Back to Homeschool
Katie Faris
A father encourages his daughter to cross a tree bridge that has fallen over a stream. There are things that pastors can do to encourage a multi-generational dynamic in their congregations.
Building a Multigenerational Church Community
Michael McKinley
A man sits at a kitchen table, his head in his hands, suffering from grief. Here is an example of how you, as a pastor, can pray for those who grieve following the tragic loss of a suicide.
A Prayer for Those Left Behind After Suicide
Paul Tautges
A photo of a prayer group laying their hands on a grieving person.
How to Bring the Gospel to Those Suffering Grief
Ray Comfort
Ministry Emergency or Distraction?
Reagan Rose
A photo of an open dictionary featuring the word, "trust."
When People Don’t Trust Pastors
Josh Zeichik
A man with his back to the camera crosses his fingers behind his back as he shakes the hand of another man, as if he intends to break his word and betray the other man.
The Threat of Betrayal in Finding Friends in Your Church
Curtis Solomon
A colorful scene from a town in South Asia, where locals navigate their boats through a canal in a market.
Gospel Need and Opportunity in South Asia