Browse articles offering practical, biblical guidance for pastors. From spiritual leadership to personal well-being, our prayer is that you’ll find both encouragement and the tools you need to thrive in your ministry journey.
New Year, New Goals
Caroline Newheiser
Why I Still Believe in Youth Ministry
Tim Counts
Advent Devotional Week 4: Three Responses We Should Have to the Birth of Christ
Michael McKinley
Redeeming Your Days
Katie Faris
A Christmas Rest for a Weary Pastor
Marty Machowski
Pastors, Beware the American Dream
Ray Comfort
10 Puritans Who Changed the World: Jonathan Edwards, Preacher of the Great Awakening
Joel Beeke
Pastors and Political Endorsement
Ed Stetzer
7 Reasons I'm Thankful for My Pastor Dad
Barnabas Piper
Lies that Hurt You and Your Ministry
Caroline Newheiser
Loving and Caring for the Elderly in Your Congregation
Michael McKinley
Defending Religious Liberties in America’s Schools