
Browse articles offering practical, biblical guidance for pastors. From spiritual leadership to personal well-being, our prayer is that you’ll find both encouragement and the tools you need to thrive in your ministry journey.
A pastor holds his son's hand as they stand in tall grass next to the lake.
Should Pastors Shield Their Kids from Church Conflict?
Josh Weidmann
A pastor creates a new weekly schedule using a planner and his phone.
Pastor, It's Time to Reevaluate Your Schedule (A 3-Step Plan)
Reagan Rose
A family sits around the dinner table reading about hope, the third Christmas virtue from our family advent devotional
Family Advent Devotional: The Virtues of Christmas Week 4
Marty Machowski
A pastor's wife fills out her planner as new year approaches, intending to redeem her days for the Lord.
Redeeming Your Days
Katie Faris
A pastor's daughter celebrates advent, hanging an ornament on the family Christmas tree.
Family Advent Devotional: The Virtues of Christmas Week 3
Marty Machowski
A pastor hangs Christmas ornaments with his wife and son, meditating on the love of advent together.
Family Advent Devotional: The Virtues of Christmas Week 2
Marty Machowski
Neighborhood homes decorated with garland and Christmas lights.
The Pastor’s Family and Christmas Traditions
Katie Faris
A little girl stands on a chair to hang an ornament on the family Christmas tree in celebration of advent.
Family Advent Devotional: The Virtues of Christmas Week 1
Marty Machowski
a table filled with Thanksgiving food and surrounded by family and friends
Balancing Hospitality and Family at Thanksgiving
Caroline Newheiser
a pastor walks with his two pk children in a field
Shepherding Your PK Through Doubt
Abby Jo Thompson
a pastor dad carries two young kids through a field and watches his other child run up ahead
The Importance of Being a Dad First
Katie Faris
a pastor's daughter struggling with fear walks through a field of wheat at golden hour
Fearful PK, Faithful God
Abby Jo Thompson


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