Missions Blind Spots: Navigating the Invisible Obstacles for Church Leaders
"And when they arrived and gathered the church together, they declared all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles"
Five Transformative Missions Passages to Preach about Missions
This article will explore five key Bible passages that form the foundation for missions, guiding believers to live as faithful ambassadors and participate in God's redemptive plan.
The creeds offer a distilled, effective manner to communicate the essence of the Christian faith globally. They set Christianity apart from other worldviews and philosophies, offering theological richness that we
Pastors, Do These 6 Things Before You Send a Missionary
Sending missionaries is a sacred endeavor that requires intentional preparation and support from pastors and churches. By following these six essential steps, we can ensure that our missionaries are well-equipped
Many valuable tools come with warning labels, such as "Handle with Care," to highlight the dangers of misuse. As you plan your next short-term missions trip, consider these eight dangers
Take heart: faithful pastors and missionaries achieve greatness not because of anything they bring to the biblical text but because of what it brings to them and their hearers. God