Daniel Stegeman serves as pastor of Pine Glen Alliance Church in Lewistown, Pennsylvania. He blogs at pastoral-theology.com and is the author of Help! I Want to Be a Loving Husband.
"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you
While it is true that God uses us in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:10), generally speaking, you will be more effective in ministry when in good health than in bad.
I’ll never forget a dear lady from that church telling me early on, “Bloom where you are planted.” That wisdom applies to almost everything in life, no less pastoral ministry.
As pastors and church leaders strive to discern what genuine revival is and isn’t, there is no better guide than Jonathan Edwards. His work is thoroughly biblical and can sift
Criticism comes in different shapes and sizes. While the pastor cannot control how the critic responds, he can control his response. Here are six ways to respond to criticism.
One key to ministry longevity is pursuing personal holiness. There is no way around it. Holiness is foundational to the pastoral calling and must never be compromised or short-circuited.
Every pastor should aim to find avenues of personal connection, including texting, calling, emailing, and home visits. Here are 6 tips to enhance pastoral visitation.
Grief ministry is a crucial part of pastoral ministry. When death touches your congregation, you must be prepared. Following the death of a church member, there are a few things